October 06–07, 2022, Saint-Petersburg

About the conference
International conference MEET (MANAGEMENT, ECONOMICS, ETHICS, TECHNICS) has been held at the Saint Petersburg mining University since 2014.
For seven years, the conference has been an open discussion platform for discussing topical management, social, economic and environmental problems and priorities in the sustainable development of the extractive industries, as well as the development of international scientific and technical cooperation in the field of rational management of mineral resources, the use of remote methods international interaction in the field of science and education.
Participants of the conference MEET–2022 will be able to present their research online via the Cisco WebEx service and discuss the most important problems of the industry with leading experts of the mineral resource complex.
Format of the event
The conference will be held in a fundamentally new video conference format using the Cisco WebEx. The platform allows up to 3000 participants from anywhere in the world to make a live presentation, listeners ‒ to ask both live questions and in text message format. All the participants will have 10 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A.
The participants will need a minimum set of equipment: a computer (laptop) with a camera and a microphone and Internet access. All participants will be provided with the necessary technical support and links to the videoconference.
The guidelines for using the platform are available here.
For the Participants
- Reports for breakout sessions are submitted in English.
- To participate in the conference, participants should fill out the registration form and upload their abstracts.
- Participation in the conference is possible only if you make a report, the abstracts of which have been pre-selected by the expert Commission. No registration fee is required for participants.
- he conference participants' articles can be be published after peer-review in a special issue of the journals:
Important Dates
- Applications acceptance deadline for the participation in the conference and participants’ abstract — 15.08.2022
- Conference working dates — 06–07.10.2022
- Economic and social problems of modern business and society in the global economy;
- Sustainable economic development of the mineral resource complex: technology, ecology, safety;
- Questions of strategic management and planning in the companies of the mineral resource complex;
- Modern energy challenges: economic development of hydrocarbon energy and renewable energy technologies;
- Formation of a circular economy in the mineral resources complex;
- Strategic forecasting of the oil and gas complex development in the Arctic;
- Student Section: Management, Economics, Ethics, Technologies in Extractive Industries: Challenges and Prospects.
10.00 - 10.30
Оpening of the conference
10.30 - 12.00
Sectional sessions
12.00 - 12.30
coffee break
12.30 - 15.00
Sectional sessions
10.30 - 12.00
Summing up the results of the conference in the groups of organizers and the scientific committee
00.00 - 10.00
St. Petersburg is the northernmost city in the world with a population of over one million people. Among cities fully located in Europe, St. Petersburg is the third most populous city, as well as the first city in terms of population, which is not the capital. St. Petersburg is the most important economic, scientific and cultural center of Russia, a major transportation hub. The historical center of St. Petersburg and its associated complexes of monuments are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List; This is one of the most important centers of tourism in the country.
Among the most significant cultural and tourist sites are the Hermitage, the Kunstkamera, the Mariinsky Theater, the Russian National Library, the Russian Museum, the Peter and Paul Fortress, St. Isaac's Cathedral, and Nevsky Prospect. The program for the preservation and development of the historical center of St. Petersburg is also aimed at preserving cultural heritage sites.
Rostral column
Located on the Spit of Vasilievsky island. In the nineteenth century performed the function of the lights of port of Northern capital. They were built in 1810 by the French architect Tom de Thomon, who decorated them with ship roses.
Lion bridge
This is one of the first and most beautiful suspension bridges of the city. The crossing through the Griboyedov canal was designed by engineers V. Tretter and V. Khristianovich. The bridge was opened in July 1826 and on the first day it was visited by about 3000 citizens. The chain, which keeps the bridge, hiding in the sculptures of lions.
St. Nicholas naval Cathedral
Located on the Bank of the Kryukov canal. A magnificent monument of the XVIII century Baroque style. In the lower Church is the main Shrine of the Cathedral-the Greek icon of St. Nicholas the 17th century with a particle of his relics. And the proximity to the water makes this place romantic
The Bronze Horseman
Monument to Peter I on the Senate square. The name of The bronze horseman monument was later due to the eponymous poem of Alexander Pushkin, although the monument is made of bronze. Its opening took place on 7 (18) August 1782, sculptor - Etienne Falcone. The head of the statue was sculpted by his student Marie Ann Сollo.
Smolny cathedral
The Smolny monastery complex is a real masterpiece of Russian Baroque. The famous architect Quarenghi, passing by him, every time took off his hat in deference to the genius Rastrelli. But Rastrelli only managed to bring the building under the roof. For a long time the Cathedral was unfinished, it was completed only in the 1830s. Vasily Stasov
The gallery of the main entrance to the Hermitage is decorated in the form of a portico, which is decorated with giant figures of Atlantes. In 1844, with the participation of 150 masons sculptor AI Terebenev presented to the world 10 magnificent statues that symbolize the fight against gravity. The statues became a symbol of the city
Isaakievsky cathedral
called the Museum of colored stone. The interior walls are lined with white marble with a panel of green and yellow marble, Jasper and porphyry. The dome inside was painted by Karl Brullov, also on the interior of the temple worked Vasily Shebuev, Fyodor Bruni, Ivan Vitali and many others
Mining University is the first higher technical educational institution in Russia, founded by the decree of Empress Catherine II on October 21 (November 1), 1773 as the embodiment of the ideas of Peter I and Mikhail Lomonosov about training engineers for the development of mining. This date became the birthday of all higher technical education in Russia.
Currently, the Mining University has more than 12 thousand students in the field of mining and oil and gas, geology, metallurgy, industrial and civil construction, mechanical engineering, energy, industry economics, industrial safety, geo-ecology, and is preparing bachelors, masters and specialists (engineers) in 32 enlarged areas. The 49 departments and branches of the University have more than 180 doctors of science and professors, about 600 candidates of science and associate professors, about 120 academicians and corresponding members of various international and Russian academies.
The house complex of Mining University Training Center №1 is a heritage asset of the XIX century, the masterpiece of architects A.N. Voronikhin and A.I. Postnikov, sculptors V.I. Demut- Malinovskiy and S.S. Pimenov
Saint Petersburg mining university
Saint Petersburg mining university is the oldest technical educational institution of Russia, established by the order if Empress Catherine the Great on October, 21 ( Novenber,1) 1773
Mining museum
Mining museum houses a rare collection of minerals, ores, rock, paleontological rarities, collection of prototypes,miniatures of mining equipment,bladed weapons,lapidary works and jewelry.
Mining museum
The museum collection comprises 240 thousand exhibits, many of which are rare or unique
MFC facade
Multifunctional international students’ complex “Gorniy” is a venue of international scientific ,academic conferences, foreign languages training place, accommodation of students, post-graduate students and trainees, and other statutory activities
MFC hall
The Congress-hall of Multifunctional international students’ complex “Gorniy” sits 2 200 people
lecture hall
13 various lecture halls of Multifunctional international students’ complex “Gorniy” accommodate from 10 to 70 people and are used for holding round tables, business meetings, etc.
art media and technical facilities
All halls and lecture halls are equipped with state-of-the- art media and technical facilities
The Silesian University of Technology
The Silesian University of Technology (SUT) is the oldest technical university in Upper Silesia and one of the largest in the country. Silesian University of Technology is the only university in Silesia to be included in the prestigious group of 10 Polish universities, winners of the "Excellence Initiative-Research University" competition organized by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
15 educational units of the University – 13 faculties and 2 institutes – currently offer more than 50 study programmes and about 200 specializations, including the whole spectrum of engineering studies. Currently, SUT educates over 18,000 students at all three levels of study: bachelor (engineering), master and doctoral studies.
SUT is a higher education institution that respects the universal values and academic traditions. It is a modern and widely recognized European institution, one of the top Polish technical universities, educating the elite of the society and supporting the dynamic development of the economy with due regard for the ethical values and the highest quality of research and teaching activities. High position and prestige of the university are built through self-improvement, partnership and cooperation of the employees, students, PhD students and the social and economic environment.
Wide range of study programmes and high quality of education are factors that distinguish the Silesian University of Technology among all technical universities in Poland. Its status is further highlighted by academic achievements of outstanding professionals, both at national and internatial level.
Saint Petersburg Mining University (Russia)
199106, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Vasilievsky island, 21-ya Liniya, d. 2